3 Important Facts about Hair Care
Around the world, people put a large amount of time and energy into their hair care in order to look and feel their best. Billions of dollars in the United States go to improving the health and longevity of our hair each year, but many people do not know exactly what is in their hair products or how they should be using them. Simple mistakes, such as shampooing your hair too often or using products that contain harmful chemicals, can have harmful long-term effects on your hair. If you care about the health and appearance of your hair, stay informed on the newest developments and industry secrets.
While there is no substitute for a skilled and experienced hair stylist, you can take several steps to improve your habits. Your hair will thank you for taking these simple steps. For instance, you should not shampoo your hair every day, and you should change up your shampoo every few months to avoid an oily, itchy hairdo. Other facts you about your hair care include:
- Do not trust the label: check the contents of your products. Shampoos and conditioners will often boast “high olive oil content” or “all natural ingredients”. While these may sound good, you cannot be sure until you have verified their claims on the back of the bottle. Less than five percent of a special ingredient is not worth the extra money.
- Be careful with the heat: tools such as curling irons and hair dryers may have beneficial effects in the short term but can dry your hair out and damage your roots in the end. You do not need to cut out these tools entirely, but be careful not to overuse them to avoid harming your precious locks.
- Gentle scalp massages have been shown to stimulate hair growth: if you want healthy hair, it starts with healthy roots! Give a scalp massage a shot yourself, or trust a passionate hair care professional to go to work on your scalp and roots.
Contact a Houston Professional Hair Studio Today
Did you have a stressful week, or just want better results for your hair? At Therapy Hair Studio, we employ only the best of world-renowned, master stylists. Are you tired of subpar haircuts? We are committed to providing our clients with a superior cut and color every time. High fashion and quality are cornerstones of our practice. Contact us today at [phone-number linked=true] to schedule an appointment and get on the route to the best hairstyling in Texas.