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Skin Resurfacing Treatments: Seven Things You Need to Know

When it comes to beauty and self-care, Therapy Hair Studio doesn’t just stop at luxurious locks. We can also keep your skin healthy and radiant with resurfacing treatments. Dive deep with us as we demystify the wonders of these revolutionary procedures. From their transformative powers to the magic behind the process, we’ve compiled seven essential things everyone in Houston needs to know before scheduling a treatment.

#1 What Are Skin Resurfacing Treatments?

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the skin by removing its outermost layers. Through various techniques like lasers, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion, these treatments address imperfections such as wrinkles, scars, and discoloration. By promoting the growth of new, healthier skin cells, skin resurfacing leaves you with a smoother, more radiant complexion.

#2 Different Types of Skin Resurfacing Treatments

Skin resurfacing boasts a variety of treatments tailored to individual needs:

  • Laser Resurfacing: Uses focused beams of light to target and eliminate damaged skin cells.
  • Chemical Peels: Involves applying a chemical solution to peel away the skin’s top layers, revealing fresh skin beneath.
  • Microdermabrasion: A minimally abrasive technique using tiny crystals to exfoliate the superficial layer of dead skin cells.
  • Dermabrasion: A more intensive procedure that sands down the skin to improve its texture and appearance.

#3 Who’s a Good Candidate for Skin Resurfacing Treatments?

Skin resurfacing is a transformative journey, but it’s essential to know if it’s right for you. Ideal candidates typically:

  • Have Realistic Expectations: Understanding the potential outcomes ensures satisfaction post-treatment.
  • Possess Good Skin Health: Those without active breakouts or severe skin conditions can achieve the best results.
  • Aim to Address Specific Concerns: Whether it’s fine lines, age spots, scars, or uneven texture, having a clear goal aids treatment selection.
  • Are Non-Smokers: Smoking can hinder the healing process.
  • Are Committed to Post-Treatment Care: Proper skincare after treatment is crucial for optimal results.

#4 Potential Complications from Skin Resurfacing Treatments

While skin resurfacing treatments offer promising results, being aware of potential complications is crucial. Many people experience redness and swelling after a treatment, which usually subsides after a few days. However, prolonged symptoms might hint at more severe complications. In rare instances, the treatment can result in raised or keloid scars. There’s also the risk of infection due to breaks in the skin, necessitating medical attention.

Some individuals may experience changes in skin coloration, either darkening (hyperpigmentation) or lightening (hypopigmentation). Those with a history of herpes around the mouth should be aware that treatments sometimes reactivate cold sores. Lastly, some laser treatments, if not administered correctly, can lead to burns or blistering.

#5 How Much Do Skin Resurfacing Treatments Cost?

What you’ll pay for skin resurfacing often hinges on the treatment you opt for. For instance, laser resurfacing is usually more expensive than something like microdermabrasion, though it might require fewer visits. Another pivotal factor is the practitioner’s experience. Seasoned professionals with a sterling reputation typically charge a premium for their services. Lastly, the treatment’s extent will influence the final cost.

#6 How Long Do Skin Resurfacing Treatments Last?

Generally, results from treatments like laser resurfacing or deep chemical peels can last several years. However, the more subtle effects of microdermabrasion or light chemical peels may require touch-ups every few months. Furthermore, individual lifestyle choices play a significant role. Those who prioritize sun protection, maintain a rigorous skincare routine, and lead a healthy lifestyle can expect prolonged benefits. Conversely, habits like smoking or excessive sun exposure can diminish results.

#7 How to Choose a Skin Resurfacing Treatment Provider

Selecting the correct skin resurfacing provider is paramount to ensuring your safety and desired results. Here are some steps to guide your decision:

  • Check Qualifications: Ensure the provider has relevant certifications and training specific to the treatments they offer.
  • Read Reviews and Testimonials: Previous client experiences can provide insights into the provider’s expertise and customer service.
  • Ask for Before-and-After Photos: This allows you to gauge the provider’s skills and set realistic expectations for your own treatment.
  • Consider the Consultation Process: You should have a thorough consultation with your provider, where they assess your skin care needs, discuss potential risks, and recommend suitable treatments.
  • Assess the Facility: A clean, modern facility with up-to-date equipment indicates a commitment to quality and the latest advancements.
  • Inquire About Post-Treatment Support: A good provider will offer guidance on aftercare, ensuring the longevity of your results.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Feeling comfortable and confident in your provider is crucial.

At Therapy Hair Studio, our team is dedicated to excellence, prioritizing your safety and well-being, and ensuring you’re happy with your treatment. We’re here to help your skin look its best, so call (713) 355-4247 today or complete our contact form to schedule an appointment.


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How Do Chemical Peels Work?

Chemical peels have become increasingly popular in skincare, offering a transformative solution for many different skin concerns. At Therapy Hair Studio, we can guide you through the different types of chemical peels, their benefits, and what to expect during and after the procedure.

Whether you’re a seasoned peel enthusiast or a newcomer seeking effective skincare solutions, Therapy Hair Studio can help you achieve a glowing, youthful complexion through these remarkable treatments.

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the skin’s appearance and texture through the application of a chemical solution. The solution causes the outermost layers of the skin to exfoliate and peel off, revealing smoother, younger skin underneath. The exfoliation process helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and other skin imperfections.

Chemical peels come in various strengths, ranging from light to deep, depending on the desired level of exfoliation. Light peels typically use milder acids like glycolic or salicylic acid, while deeper peels may involve trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or phenol.

What Does a Chemical Peel Do to Skin?

The outer layer of our skin is called the epidermis. It is a protective barrier with the crucial role of shielding the more delicate underlying tissues from damage. Unfortunately, daily exposure to pollution, dirt, and harmful UV rays can lead to a dull, dry, and discolored appearance, accelerating the appearance of aging. In response, the skin naturally sheds these cells through exfoliation, which can sometimes be uneven, resulting in facial blemishes or spots.

Chemical peels offer an effective solution to address these issues by gently removing the dead skin cells, promoting a rejuvenated layer of skin that is more youthful, even, and vibrant. Depending on the ingredients used in the peel, it can also contribute to a brighter and more even complexion.

how do chemical peels work?

What Can You Expect After the Procedure?

Chemical peels have certain common aftereffects, including redness, tightness, irritation, or swelling. It’s essential to follow your provider’s instructions carefully for proper aftercare, which can include:

  • Protecting your skin from the sun
  • Using prescribed cleansing and moisturizing products
  • Applying protective ointments as directed

To ensure optimal results and minimize complications, avoid picking, rubbing, or scratching your skin during healing. Be patient, as it may take some time for your skin color to return to normal and for the full results of the peel to become visible.

After a light chemical peel, the treated skin may be red, dry, and mildly irritated. However, these effects tend to diminish with subsequent treatments. Your provider may apply a soothing, protective ointment, such as petroleum jelly, and you can typically resume wearing makeup the following day. The healing period for a light peel usually takes one to seven days, during which the new skin might temporarily appear lighter or darker than usual.

A medium chemical peel may cause redness and swelling, accompanied by a stinging sensation. Your provider will likely apply a protective ointment to soothe the area and prevent dryness. You can use ice packs for comfort and over-the-counter pain-relieving medication to reduce discomfort. Healing usually takes about five to seven days, and you can use cosmetics to conceal any remaining redness after that period. Crusting, darkening, or developing brown blotches might occur during the healing process, and redness may persist for months.

A deep chemical peel can cause severe redness and swelling, burning, and throbbing sensations. Swelling can even cause your eyelids to close temporarily. Your provider will apply a dressing to the treated skin and may prescribe painkillers. During the two-week healing period, you must regularly soak the treated skin and apply ointment as directed. New skin will develop within about two weeks, but redness may persist for some time.

How to Get A Chemical Peel

Discover the ultimate skincare experience at Therapy Hair Studio, where our chemical peels offer a transformative solution tailored to your unique needs. Our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals will prioritize your skin’s health and radiance, rejuvenating your appearance and helping you live the life you deserve.

Our salon utilizes the latest techniques and premium-quality products to ensure safe and effective results. Whether you seek to address fine lines, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, or desire a radiant complexion, our chemical peels can work wonders for you.

We provide personalized consultations and attentive aftercare, guiding you through each part of the process. Call us today at 713-355-HAIR or contact us online to schedule an appointment and discuss how we can help you look and feel better.

4 Reasons a Professional Needs to Color Your Hair

Embrace the thrill of transforming your hair with a burst of color! Whether seeking a bold change or a subtle enhancement, dyeing your hair can be exhilarating. While budget-conscious individuals often opt for DIY methods, professional hair coloring can yield superior results. In this post, we’ll explore four compelling benefits of entrusting coloring your hair to skilled professionals at Therapy Hair Studios.

It is Safer For Your Hair

Entrusting a professional to dye your hair offers many safety benefits over DIY methods. Professional hair colorists have the necessary skill and experience to help your hair stay healthy and vibrant during coloring.

Our professionals are well-versed in identifying your hair’s needs, from assessing its texture to understanding prior treatments or sensitivities. They can tailor the color formulation accordingly, minimizing the risk of damage and hair breakage.

Moreover, we use high-quality, salon-grade products that are gentler and less likely to cause allergic reactions or scalp irritation than over-the-counter options. Our stylists are professionals, and they have the experience and techniques to achieve your desired results without compromising the health of your hair.

Our professional application techniques can provide even and consistent color distribution, avoiding patchiness and unsightly imperfections. Our stylists also understand the correct processing times, preventing over-processing that may lead to dryness and brittleness.

Further, if there are any unexpected color outcomes, our salon professionals can make adjustments and corrections, saving your hair from potential disasters.

Professional Dye Jobs Last Longer

Professional hair dye jobs typically outlast DIY attempts.

Our professional colorists use high-quality products specifically designed to deliver long-lasting results. Our professional-grade dyes penetrate your hair more effectively and evenly, ensuring a more durable and vibrant color.

Our stylists also have the skill to customize the color formulation based on your hair type, texture, and desired outcome. This personalized approach ensures that the color adheres better to your hair and resists fading.

Are you familiar with terms like porosity, density, and elasticity? Our hair professionals are, because they received professional training in hair styling and coloring. They understand how crucial those considerations are in achieving the desired outcome during a hair color service.

Box colors, on the other hand, fail to provide users with a concise explanation or guidance on how to test for porosity, density, or elasticity, making it difficult for would-be at-home stylists to achieve their desired results. Relying on the skill of licensed hairstylists ensures a tailored approach that lasts longer.

Finally, we provide aftercare recommendations tailored to your specific hair needs, such as using color-safe shampoos and conditioners, which further preserve the color and prevent premature fading.

reasons a professional needs to color your hair

You Can Get the Color You Want

Choosing professional hair coloring helps you achieve your desired color. The celebrity whose color you may want to emulate does not use an $8 box of dye.

Seasoned colorists are well-versed in color theory and can accurately evaluate your hair’s existing shade and undertones. With access to a diverse selection of premium dyes, they can craft a customized color formulation suited to your hair type and texture.

Furthermore, our salon professionals employ precise application techniques, guaranteeing even and consistent color distribution, eliminating any chance of patchiness or inconsistencies. They’ll consider your hair’s natural pigments and condition, resulting in a breathtaking, tailor-made color that aligns precisely with your vision.

It is Cheaper in the Long Run

While the upfront cost of professional hair dyeing may seem higher, it is undeniably more cost-effective in the long run. Professional colorists use high-quality products that provide longer-lasting results, reducing the need for frequent touch-ups.

DIY attempts may lead to mistakes or uneven color, necessitating costly color corrections or salon visits. Additionally, professionals can customize the color to complement your natural hair, ensuring a seamless transition as it grows out. Our attention to detail minimizes the need for constant maintenance, saving you money on frequent home dye kits.

Set Up A Consultation Today

Deciding to dye your hair is a big decision that merits thoughtful consideration. The insights above can help you weigh your options when comparing home dyeing versus our salon services. At Therapy Hair Studios, we offer personalized consultations so that you can make the right decision for you.

Entrusting your hair to a skilled professional provides peace of mind, knowing that your hair’s health and safety are in capable hands. Not only will you get the look you’re after, but you’ll know that it doesn’t come at any unexpected long-term costs.

Ready to unleash the new you? Then book an appointment today by calling 713-355-HAIR or contacting us online. Let’s discuss how our services can enhance your look and confidence.

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